Service Opportunities

St. Michael’s is an inclusive church with a place for every gift and talent. If you have an interest not listed, please reach out to the Priest or the church office so that we can match you to a ministry.  If you’re ready to get involved, please contact us today.

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Acolyte ministry
Youth who serve the clergy and congregation during worship services. Acolytes are included in a variety of functions, including the lighting of candles and the processions in and out of the church, as well as serving at the altar.
Altar Guild
This team enhances the church's spiritual life through attention to the environment in which we worship. They set up the sanctuary for all services including but not limited to all Sunday services, baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
The choir sings on Sunday mornings and for seasonal services. They also participate in the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols in December. The choir welcomes those interested in music, singing, instrumental performance, and other skills.
Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers
A lector reads aloud the prescribed Scripture or leads the prayers of the people. Eucharistic ministers assist the celebrant in the distribution of the sacrament.They serve during weekly worship and special services.
Building & Grounds Committee
We have special events (clean up day, planting, grounds update, short term building projects), and ongoing upkeep needs. This committee includes individuals, groups, and families, depending on the type of project.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those in our community who are unable to attend service. L.E.V. leave from services to share communion and the prayers of the congregation.
Individuals with teaching skills are important to help with Christian education. We have support materials, but also welcome your knowledge and creativity.
Family Life
We welcome those with hospitality skills and interest in helping our community to grow and develop through coffee hours, special events, etc.
Small Group Leaders
Small groups include Bible study, special interest groups, book clubs, and other opportunities for shared interests and fellowship.
Flower Guild
This team prepares flowers for the altar and around the church interior for Sunday services, weddings, funerals, and various receptions and special events as requested. Volunteers need not have arranging experience.
This group welcomes people at the entrance, hands out the church program, collects the offering, and assists wherever needed to promote and encourage an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during, and after services.